Complaints Channel

In compliance with law 2/2023, of February 20, 2023, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory violations/breaches and in the fight against corruption (Directive 2019/1937) and other applicable regulations, CIC/FIELDEAS has created a complaints channel.  The main purpose is to channel complaints where possible violations/breaches may have taken place; which is an act of responsibility and a person’s ethical duty.

What can be reported?

CIC/FIELDEAS staff members, partners, customers, suppliers or any other legitimate interest may report any possible irregularity or non-compliance of which they are aware of, or any possible irregularity or non-compliance with regulations.

How do I make a complaint?

The complaint can be made by sending an e-mail to the following address:

You can also verbally make a complaint by leaving a voice message at the same email address.

A specialized and impartial professional will take the pertinent steps, always guaranteeing the anonymity of the claimant and any third party mentioned in the complaint.

Acknowledgement of receipt will be given within seven days of the reception of the complaint and a response will be given within the following three months.

What do I include in the complaint?

The communication must contain the necessary data to be able to carry out an analysis of the facts included in the complaint.

Ideally, the following should be included:

  • A clear and concise account of the facts.
  • The identification of the company or business unit in which the incidents have occurred. 
  • The name and contact details of the claimant and his/her relationship with the group in order to facilitate the analysis and follow-up of the complaint.
  • The identification of the persons involved in the incident or persons with knowledge of it.
  • The time at which the incident occurred.
  • Quantification, whenever possible, of the impact the incident has had on the company’s finances.
  • Providing the necessary documents, files or other information deemed relevant for the evaluation and resolution of the complaint.