On June 23rd we had a webinar, our third, with our associates at ASA Andalucía: “Centralize and Access All Your Information From a Single Platform”, promoted by both companies.
Carlos Irigoyen, Managing Director at ASA Andalucía and Aurelio Juarez, Head of Sales at CIC, both present gave David Lanza, Dynamics 365 and BI Manager and Abel Martínez, person in charge for technical matters of LUCA BDS, the word.
The session focused on 4 main matters:
- What is LUCA BDS?
- Why use it?
- What to use it for?
- A demo
What is LUCA BDS?
LUCA BDS is a platform that users can access and use information from a web browser, tablet or mobile phone, allowing them to access all and each of their systems with a direct connection to the data origin.
This Business Intelligence solution centralizes, in real time and from any platform, data from different services in an organization, independent of the data origin.
Normally information is housed, but not interconnected and you need different applications to access it. LUCA BDS connects each of the apps and allows you to use the information.
Once the user defines its switch panel, the information is displayed on a chart, report or graph, not intervening in integration processes because one accesses it directly from the source.
LUCA BDS´s Strengths:
- Collaborative Web Platform that is always ready and easy to use, designed to centralize access to all the company’s information, connecting all departments and processes without creating a replica copy, which avoids a costly project and maintenance fees.
- Total Access to centralized information requests.
- Information traceability of who the user was, the date and time the request was made.
- Bi-directional Connection between departments and systems.
- Simplified Exchange of information.
- Instant answers, with predetermined reports
Why use LUCA BDS?
David Lanza, Dynamics 365 and BI Manager, pointed out 4 Main Reasons that differentiate LUCA from other platforms:
- Price. Licensing costs are not per user, but for the platform, allowing you to have an unlimited number of users for the same price.
David pointed out 3 outstanding technical aspects:
- LUCA BDS is an application that is installed On-Premise, in local CPDs and, therefore, allows access to databases and files so you can get information and consolidate it on a switch panel. Furthermore, there is no data limit or registers,
- High Security, a complete audit: who, what and when has used the platform is registered and can be traced.
- No integration process required. No complex replica systems are required; LUCA goes directly to the data source allowing you to navigate between the different systems to get the information, therefore, generating a huge cost savings.
What is LUCA BDS´s Added Value?
This platform analyses data in realtime, interconnecting a multitude of data sources; allowing the users, familiar with Microsoft Excel, to create their own switch panels and share their know-how with the rest of the company.

How it’s used and Demo
David Lanza finalized his presentation showing how LUCA BDS is being used by a utility company, with it´s switch boards, in which different information was displayed, showing how to navigate and go into detail, no matter how small, what is happening in the company.
Abel Martínez, the person in charge of technical matters of LUCA BDS, took charge of the demo. He showed, broadly speaking, the two differences the platform has: Firstly, the part for the technical users, those responsible for technical queries, graphs, reports and dashboards and; secondly, for the final users, those who merely look the tables, graphs for dashboards that the technical staff have developed.
CIC would like to thank ASA Andalucía (Asociación de Abastecimiento de Aguas y Abastecimientos de Andalucía) for their collaboration.