CIC, once again, participates as an exhibitor through the Clúster Nuclear de Cantabria (CINC), at the World Nuclear Exhibition at Paris – le Bourget, from the 28th to the 30th of June.
Last week in the French capital, CIC participated as an exhibitor, showing its products, along with others in the Clúster Nuclear de Cantabria (CINC), at the World Nuclear Exhibition (WNE).
The Cantabria Cluster is made up of 14 companies from the northern Spanish region that produce equipment, components, provide services and the nuclear industry itself. The cluster was formed in order to be more competitive in the sector.
The WNE is the most important event in Europe and one of the most important in the world. Many companies from all over the world, covering the whole sector were present at the event.
Although nuclear power is a contentious issue, there is no doubt that the expectations and tendencies point to continued growth in the future.
Some figures on today´s nuclear industry
Just so we get an idea of the dimensions of the industry: 438 operating power plants, 70 under construction, 200 proposed closures before 2040 in the world…. These figures indicate that there is a need for further R&D for the new projected plants, as well as for the training of the over 175,000 workers in the industry.
CIC presents its IT solutions for the Nuclear Industry
The products were aimed directly at the nuclear industry, some already implanted and tested in all of Spain’s nuclear power plants and one in Central Russia.
In this way two of CIC´s star products were able to shine: IDboxRT system, assures the plant´s data collection, its processing, analysis and monitoring in real time. And secondly, FIELDEAS , a mobile solution that is designed for fieldwork like inspections, rounds, inventory, incident management, maintenance and repair.
As far as Systems and Security go, CIC has carried out various projects finding solutions to the complete information security management, perimetral network security, logs monitoring and cyber defense based on our homegrown product W6 Datasense .
WNE, due to its international character and the focus on applied technologies for the sector has afforded CIC an excellent opportunity to showcase its products and highlight its years of experience designing specialized products for the nuclear industry. The tradeshow also gave CIC the chance to do some networking and find possible collaborators for the future ventures outside of our country.
The best part of WNE is that it is an excellent platform for an exchange of ideas and to find new partners – essential factors for growth in an international market.