An independent survey conducted by the multinational corporation, Choose My Company, has published this year’s results. It concluded that the CIC Group had obtained a score of 4.33 out of 5 based on the indicators of professional development, working environment, management, recognition, raison d’être and sustainable development.

Choose My Company annually evaluates and accredits companies with ten major certifications. This year, CIC Group has been selected for the HappyIndex®AtWork and TechAtWork® 2023 certifications. The survey assesses the level of engagement created between employees and their company.
In addition to the overall rating of 4.33 out of 5, the average minimum participation rate was exceeded, reaching a total response rate of 70.9%, involving 253 participants, 76.7% of whom recommended working for the CIC Group.
According to the survey´s results, the CIC Group had obtained a Total Engagement Index® rating that is 3% above the average of the 109,539 companies polled in the IT/Digital sector certification process. Furthermore, this rating is 7% above the average of the total of more than 350,000 multi-sector companies that were polled.
In the “work environment” section, 80.4 % of the respondents showed a highly positive outlook on the way CIC promotes innovative ways of working. Moreover, 91.3% of those polled are satisfied with the work-life balance and the hybrid telecommuting model that is in place. In addition, 73.5% answered positively about the company´s installations, their layout and how it facilitated their work.
In the “raison d’être” category, 78.3% of employees highly considered that human relations within the company were very good. 80.6% felt proud to participate in their projects, products and services, while 72.3% expressed confidence in CIC and FIELDEAS, the managers and management team.
Similarly, very respectable results were obtained for the “sustainable development” indicator: 81.4 % perceive that CIC Group offered equal opportunities to all employees, regardless of gender, beliefs or origin. In addition, 79.8% of employees felt they shared the company’s values. While 79.4% of respondents recognized the company’s commitment to environmental issues.
The “management” indicator showed that 85.4% of CIC Group employees viewed their work as useful and were aware of its subsequent impact. Meanwhile, 71.9% felt they possessed the necessary resources to achieve their professional objectives.
In terms of “professional development”, 76.3% of those surveyed stated that the CIC Group offered them the opportunity to learn and develop their skills and competencies. In addition, 67.2% of employees felt they understood that there were possibilities for growth in the company, opportunities for promotion, new projects and mobility.
In the “recognition” category regarding the employee, 63.2% believed that their efforts and contribution to the company were highly recognized and had a high degree of work related satisfaction that the CIC Group offered its employees. They considered it a source of pride and motivation that CIC had obtained such certifications.
The obtainment of these certifications is a source of pride for all of us who are part of the CIC Group. It is a source of motivation to continue orienting our future initiatives towards a better work environment, with a socially responsible company business model.