21 Aug 2024 · Blog · Actualizada el 23 Sep 2024

Vulnerability Management and Cybersecurity: VULCANO’s Innovative Solutions for the Electricity Sector

VULCANO en el Sector Eléctrico

Vulnerability management is key in the field of cybersecurity, especially in the electrical distribution sector. Considering the complexity that the industry faces and increased threats, companies need to adopt end-to-end solutions that not only identify and manage risks, but also adapt to the unique needs of their operations. In this context, VULCANO emerges, an R&D project developed by CIC Consulting Informático, and funded by the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE), an entity dependent on the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, through the State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.

VULCANO is part of the Strategic Initiative for Innovative Public Procurement (IECPI), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, with funding from the Next Generation-EU Funds.

What  is VULCANO and why is it so revolutionary? 

VULCANO seeks to create an integrated solution that holistically addresses asset management, threat detection, and vulnerability management in power grids. VULCANO’s target end product will be distinguished from other solutions on the market by its ability to adapt to the unique characteristics of the power sector, such as the geographic dispersion of assets and the lack of standardization in the protocols used.

Adaptation to the electricity sector 

One of VULCANO’s main features is its unique and focused approach to the electricity distribution sector. Electrical infrastructures present special challenges specific to the industry. Wide geographic dispersion of their assets and the diversity of their protocols and devices used are just a few. VULCANO adapts to these conditions and challenges through an intelligent system that enables correlation between IT and OT, providing a complete, detailed and accurate view of security in these complex networks. 

Vulnerability Management in Critical Infrastructures 

Active and passive identification of vulnerabilities

VULCANO´s vulnerability management is carried out through advanced active and passive detection techniques. These techniques make it possible to identify intrinsic vulnerabilities of critical assets, taking into account such factors as device model, firmware version and network position. This is critical in order to prevent possible attacks before they occur and ensure that all potential threats are dealt with proactively.  

Network performance analysis 

In addition to vulnerability detection and management, VULCANO includes advanced analysis of network behavior. By merging skilled human expertise with Deep Learning algorithms, the system can predict new levels of risk by analyzing any abnormality in network traffic. The consequence is more effective threat management, ensuring that appropriate action is taken in real time. 

Comprehensive Security in Asset Management

Event monitoring and correlation 

VULCANO’s ability to monitor, track and correlate events in real time is key to the protection of critical infrastructures.  By integrating asset management with network security, VULCANO ensures that all devices, from the simplest to the most complex, are fully protected against any unforeseen events. 

Georeferencing and management of electrical protocols 

Another of VULCANO´s key features is the management of electrical protocols and the geo-referencing of physical vulnerabilities. This is especially important in the electricity sector, where the geographical dispersion of assets can make it difficult to trace and mitigate risks. VULCANO allows for a clear and accurate view of the location and status of each asset in the network. 

VULCANO: Innovation for Cybersecurity

In an environment where cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and commonplace, the solutions that VULCANO provides are essential to ensure cybersecurity in critical industries as is the electricity sector. Its ability to adapt to the specific needs, together with its comprehensive approach to vulnerability management, make it an indispensable tool for any company seeking to effectively and efficiently protect its infrastructure. 


Vulnerability management is an essential component of any cybersecurity strategy. With innovative solutions such as the one being developed within the framework of the VULCANO project, companies in the electrical sector will be able to ensure that their infrastructures are protected against current and future threats, maintaining security and operational continuity at all times.

Strategic Initiative for Public Procurement of Innovation (IECPI)

Public Procurement of Innovation (CPI) has established itself as an extremely useful instrument to promote innovation and competitiveness from public authorities, using public demand for products, services and supplies as an instrument through which to implement public policies and execute the mandates of purchasing entities. INCIBE’s IECPI is endowed with a global budget of 224 million euros, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) with funding from Next Generation EU.

This initiative, which will be executed under the auspices of Ciberinnova, is associated with Component 15. Investment 7 Cybersecurity: Strengthening the capacities of citizens, SMEs and professionals and boosting the sector

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