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End date: 31/06/2026
BAHÍA H2 OFFSHORE Ammonia as a Marine Fuel
The Bahia H2 Offshore project provides technological solutions for floating wind farms to transform their energy into green hydrogen and ammonia in marine conditions.
The project aim is to create a state-of-the-art pilot plant for the generation of offshore green hydrogen. This will be done through R&D of new alkaline electrolysis technologies for the production of green hydrogen and the development of a novel nanofiltration water treatment system. It will be followed at the desalination stage using capacitive deionization technology (CDI) adapted to marine conditions. At the same time, simulations will be carried out so that these processes can be implemented in a pilot plant for the production of ammonia as a marine fuel based on the Haber Bosch process, coupled with storage equipment. Consequently, a future offshore pilot plant for the production of ammonia as a marine fuel base will be created.
CIC´s Role in the Project
The first stage involves the design, construction, installation and monitoring of a hydrogen generation prototype and the simulation of an ammonia plant. CIC will play a key role in developing the necessary software platform for the energy management required for the alkaline electrolysis technologies for green hydrogen production and the simulation of the Haber-Bosch process for ammonia generation.
Sea of Innovation Cantabria Cluster (SICC) is a leader in the marine renewable energy sector in Spain. Since its creation in 2011, it has established itself as a center of excellence that stimulates and promotes marine energy in Spain and abroad. The Bahia H2 Offshore project is expected to promote the development of a value chain specialized in renewable hydrogen, strengthening the position of Cantabria´s companies as industry leaders in the marine energy and green hydrogen market. This project will significantly contribute to the decarbonization of the maritime sector and the expansion of renewable energies.

For more information go to bahiah2.com
Project Partners
The project´s coordinator is the Sea of Innovation Cantabria cluster, important private sector companies from Cantabria, the FAEN-Ainer cluster from Asturias and Asime from Galicia.
Related Articles and Links
Visit the cantabriaeconomica.com web site to learn more about the bahía h2 project or visit our article Impulsando la generación de combustibles verdes.
First call for proposals under the “Incentive Program 4: Basic-fundamental research challenges, innovative pilots and training in key enabling technologies within the incentive programs for the hydrogen innovation and knowledge value chain.