23 Feb 2016 · News · Actualizada el 04 Nov 2021

Summary of Systems Security Day #SSDAY16

CIC Consulting Informático organized Systems Security Day in Madrid on February 9th 2016.

An event dedicated to information security and network and systems cybersecurity. The event´s goal was to familiarize all the attendees with all the necessary information about cybersecurity and to exchange experiences in order to obtain more secure platforms and be better protected.

You will be able to read a summary of the event in this article.

Resumen del Systems Security Day #SSDAY16 - bienvenida-y-lobby-agenda

Systems Security Day #SSDAY16, Information Security

The Systems Security Day was an event dedicated to information security and cybersecurity in relation to businesses.  It was directed at businesses and companies that were worried and interested in knowing how to protect their networks.

This event tried to enlighten everyone present to the professional realities of network security through presentations, round table discussions and demonstrations.  Invitees talked about their experiences and projects, and their presentations were very useful because they presented new challenges to those in attendance.

Experts in the field, an incomparable cast

To build trust and make people understand the importance of cybersecurity at all levels was the main objective of #SSDAY16.  And who better to do that, but the foremost experts in the field.

Systems Security Day was a meeting point for many cybersecurity professionals, as well as being a way to sensitize and raise awareness on the importance of reaching a high level of cybersecurity for the protection of vital information in businesses.

#SSDAY16 has been lucky enough to have experts such as Chema Alonso, a world renowned hacking and information security expert, known as “EL Maligno” – the evil one, famous for his striped hat present; Silvia Barrera, Inspector for the Spanish National Police, head of the Technological Investigation Unit, who opened the event with a sobering account of the magnitude of cyber attacks and network fraud;  Gianluca D´Antonio, Chief Information Security Officer, President of ISMS Forum Spain and Director of Security Information and Risk Management for the FCC Group; Victorino Martín, Vice President of Sales for AlienVault Spain; Enrique Ávila, Codirector for the National Center for Excellence in Cybersecurity.  There were also a great number of other high caliber speakers and companies that collaborated in round table discussions; Fernando Sevillano (Logitek), Agustín Valencia (Iberdrola), Miguel Sierra (IDbox), José Antonio Sánchez (Viesgo), Héctor Fernández (FIELDEAS), Rosa Díaz (Panda Security), Rafael Calzada (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid) and Raúl Uría (ZZiircon).

Below you will find a review of of the most important points of each presentation:
Silvia Barrera,  Inspector for the Spanish National Police, head of the Technological Investigation Unit,  inaugurated the conference along with María Uslé, CIC Systems Manager at CIC.

Silvia Barrera, Inspectora de la Unidad de Investigación Tecnológica de la Policía Nacional

To go to the event opening click here

LOW HANGING FRUIT – Chema Alonso, Eleven Paths

The presentations and round table discussions began with Chema Alonso

Chema Alonso is a well known hacker, both here in Spain and internationally.  He is a PhD in Information Security, computer engineer and systems engineer. 

Today he is the CEO of Eleven Paths, a subsidiary of Telefónica.  Chema talked about the difference between “ being secure” and “feeling secure” when working in the world of cybersecurity.  He continued and talked about the false perceptions there are in companies with cybersecurity management and the reality. He went on to talk about how hard it is for companies to protect themselves and how easy it is for hackers to attack a company and make off with its information.
You can return to the presentation by clicking here or download the event from the web.

Resumen del Systems Security Day #SSDAY16 - Chema Alonso, CEO de Eleven Paths

You can return to the presentation by clicking here or download the event from the web.


The day continued with the first of the round table discussions – Cyber Security infrastructures critical in industrial environments.  The moderator was Roberto Hidalgo, Systems Department Manager at CIC.  The participants at this first round table were: Agustín Valencia, Head of Engineering, Instrumentation and Control at the Cofrentes Nuclear Facility; Fernando Sevillano, DIrector of Cybersecurtiy at Logitek; José Antonio Sánchez, Head of Infrastructure and Operations at the utility Viesgo; and Miguel Sierra, Product Manager at IDbox , a software solution that resolves integral monitoring of data arriving from different sources, allowing you to store huge amounts of information and carry out different data analyses in real time.


This table was made up of business people, like cybersecurity experts and application developers, who focused on critical cybersecurity infrastructures in Spain in the face of technological threats.

The main threats that industrial systems face were debated.  Security governance was also discussed and different points of view were expressed.  The role of applications for industrial control was also talked about.

To get Spain to ensure that information and telecommunication systems strengthen their capacity in the prevention, defense, detection, analysis, research, recovery and response to cyberattacks”.

To finalize the discussion, the question of what the main cybersecurity management recommendations were brought forth.

To return to the round table discussion, you can click here

Networking Moments at Systems Security Day #SSDAY16

At mid morning all the attendees took a short break, had a snack and were able to see some demos and expositions of IDbox, FIELDEAS or W6.

Momentos de Networking en Systems Security Day

ASYMMETRIC CYBERSECURITY – Victorino Martín , AlienVault

Victorino Martín, security expert and logs management expert, continued the proceedings.  A career soldier, he has a degree in Military Computing.  He was in charge of office S21 Section and Director of the centre and later joined the ICA Group, as Security Director. Today he is Sales manager at AlienVault here in Spain.

CIBERGUERRA - Victorino Martín, AlienVault

Victorino spoke about how cyberspace was the new theatre of operations. He told us that small scale operators, with limited resources were a huge threat as they can attack large countries and organizations.  He explained why cyberspace was a perfect place for covert operations.

To see Victorino Martín´s presentation, click here.

BIG DATA AND IoT VS SECURITY- Gianluca D´Antonio, ISMS Forum Spain

Gianluca D´Antonio is a Security Information expert. He is a teacher by trade and promotes multidisciplinary teams.  He is cofounder and president of ISMS, the Spanish Association for the Advancement of Information Security.  He is also Director of Security Information and Risk Management for the FCC Group. 


Gianluca spoke about how the Internet of Things is here to stay.  He showed us how there are millions of emails, information on our phones, gadgets, cars, etc….  He insisted on the importance of making sure all these things were secure and he touched on some of security´s legal aspects. 

To see Gianluca´s presentation, click here.


It was time for the second and last of the round table discussions, titled cybersecurity tendencies, at the first edition of #SSDAY16.

The moderador was Alfonso Azofra, Head of NOC (Centre for Network Operations and Security) at CIC Consulting Informático.  He was accompanied by Sylvia Barrera, of the Spanish national Police; Hector Fernández. CTO at FIELDEAS; Rosa Diáz, for Panda Security; Raúl Calzada, of Universidad Carlos III in Madrid and Raúl Uría from ZZircon.

In this second round table discussion the subject of how cyber security has evolved in the past quarter century and where it is today.  The moderador threw out different questions for discussion. How often are attacks perpetrated? How grave are they? How are we protected?  How we use security, training, methods and cybersecurity scenarios.

CIC Consulting Informático organizó en Madrid el Systems Security Day

The short and medium cybersecurity threats were looked at.  What does the legislation say, what about privacy and how Big Data and new scenarios have changed the way we treat data.

To return to the second round table discussion, click here.


Enrique Ávila, Codirector for the National Center for Excellence in Cybersecurity and area head of Security Information for the Guardia Civil, concluded the day’s events.  


The last presentation talked about the reality that companies have to deal with concerning regulatory compliance with regard to cybersecurity. 

Enrique Ávila´s presentation can be seen by clicking here.

Perfect location with more than 150 attendees

Held at the Palacio de Deportes in Madrid, in the Truss Room, which is centrally located and spacious. Great interest by all attendees was demonstrated by their queries and active participation.  The event was also followed on social , onTwitter, with over 5 million potential impacts by the 174 users.

 #SSDAY was a complete day, where attendees as well as the speakers were able to share their experiences and do some productive networking.
You can see all the presentations on our YouTube channel, as well as in pdf. format on the Systems Security Day app.

Evento de seguridad organizado por CIC

From CIC Consulting Informático we want to thank the help and collaboration of all the companies, attendees and speakers that took part in the Systems Security Day.

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